Resistance to Agile Transformations: Reasons and How To Overcome Them

Resistance to Agile Transformations: Reasons and How To Overcome Them

TL; DR: Resistance to Agile Transformations

Stakeholders often revert to resistance to agile transformations due to fears about job security, perceived loss of control, comfort with established practices, and misconceptions about Agile.

However, we can help: Agile practitioners can ease the change process by employing techniques such as empathetic listening, co-creating the change process, introducing incremental changes, offering targeted education, and showcasing internal success stories. Addressing resistance with understanding and respect is pivotal to a successful agile transformation.

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🇩🇪 Zur deutschsprachigen Version des Artikels: Widerstände gegen agile Transformationen: Ihre Ursachen und wie Sie diese überwinden.

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Resistance to Agile Transformations: The Unspoken Reasons

Agile transformations often meet resistance from long-standing middle managers and other stakeholders. The reasons for this resistance are multifaceted and often misunderstood.

Let’s shed light on some of the reasons behind this resistance to agile transformations:

Economic and Personal Security: Beyond the obvious concern of job security, there’s a more profound fear: “What if I can’t adapt?” This fear encompasses concerns about becoming obsolete in the job market, the potential of diminished respect from peers, and the anxiety of starting from scratch in a new, Agile-centric role.

Career Investment: When stakeholders have committed decades of their professional lives to a particular method of work or climbing the traditional corporate ladder, it’s not just about the time they’ve spent but also the sacrifices they’ve made. They’ve missed family events for late meetings and pulled all-nighters for projects, to name a few. For them, embracing Agile might feel like admitting those sacrifices were in vain. The emotional toll of considering such a pivot is significant.

Comfort in Familiarity: Change, by its very nature, is disruptive. The structures, policies, and protocols in place for years represent a known variable. The transformation to Agile is not merely about adopting new practices but involves unlearning established working methods. This ‘unlearning’ can be profoundly unsettling, especially for those who’ve mastered the old ways.

Loss of Control: Traditional management often involves direct oversight and a transparent chain of command. Agile’s approach, emphasizing team autonomy, can make managers feel sidelined or redundant, leading to concerns about their role’s future relevance.

Network & Influence: Power dynamics in organizations are complex. Over the years, stakeholders have established informal power structures and alliances, which help them expedite decisions, secure resources, or simply get things done. With its flattened hierarchies, Agile can be seen as a direct threat to these power structures, leading to resistance.

Perceived Threat to Expertise: Agile’s emphasis on cross-functional teams and shared responsibilities can be interpreted as diluting specialization. Stakeholders might fear their unique expertise, which gave them an edge in traditional settings, might be devalued in Agile environments.

Cultural Misalignment: Traditional corporate cultures often value predictability, risk aversion, and control. Concepts like “embracing change” or “celebrating failure as a learning opportunity” from the Agile world might appear counter-intuitive or reckless to stakeholders steeped in traditional values.

Identity Crisis: Roles like ‘manager’ or ‘supervisor’ are not just job titles but identities earned over the years. Agile’s blurring of traditional roles can cause stakeholders to grapple with existential professional questions. “If there are no managers in Agile, and I’ve been a manager all my life, where do I fit in?”

Distrust in “New Trends”: The corporate world has seen its fair share of management fads come and go. For long-standing stakeholders, Agile might seem like just another buzzword that will fade with time. They might be wary of investing time and energy into something they believe has a short shelf-life.

Peer Pressure: Collective resistance can stem from a shared apprehension of the unknown. If a few influential stakeholders resist the Agile transformation, it can create a ripple effect. Others might join the resistance, not necessarily because they disagree with Agile but because they don’t want to go against the prevailing sentiment.

In essence, resistance to agile transformations isn’t about denying its potential benefits. It’s rooted in human fears and anxieties about change, identity, and security. As agile practitioners, recognizing and addressing these concerns is crucial to fostering genuine transformation.

Addressing them involves promoting the benefits of Agile and empathetically understanding and navigating the human aspect of transformation.

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How Can Agile Practitioners Support Stakeholders?

There are five practices and techniques that agile practitioners can generally apply to address stakeholders’ resistance to agile transformations:

Empathetic Listening and Open Dialogue:

Description: This involves creating a safe space for stakeholders to voice their concerns without fear of judgment. By truly understanding the root causes of resistance, practitioners can address them more effectively.
Why it works: Often, the fears and concerns of stakeholders are partially confirmed. By acknowledging and addressing these fears directly, agile practitioners can build trust and show stakeholders their concerns are valued and understood.

Co-creation of the Change Process:

Description: Instead of imposing change from the top-down, outside-in, or bottom-up, involve resistant stakeholders in shaping the transformation process. Let them have a say in how Agile is adopted and tailored to the organization.
Why it works: People are generally more accepting of changes they have a hand in creating. This approach gives them a sense of ownership and reduces the feeling of being subjected to an external force.

Incremental Change and Celebrating Small Wins:

Description: Rather than a wholesale, radical transformation, introduce changes gradually. As each change is implemented, celebrate the small victories and benefits that emerge.
Why it works: This makes the transformation less overwhelming and gives stakeholders time to adjust. Celebrating small wins helps to build momentum and showcases the benefits of the transformation.

Education and Training:

Description: Offer workshops, training sessions, and educational resources to help stakeholders better understand Agile principles and practices, thus demystifying Agile and making it more approachable.
Why it works: Resistance often stems from a lack of understanding. By providing clear and accessible information, practitioners can alleviate stakeholders’ concerns about Agile.

Showcasing Success Stories:

Description: Highlight teams or departments within the organization that have successfully adopted Agile and are reaping its benefits. Share their stories, challenges, and outcomes with the broader organization.
Why it works: Seeing peers succeed with Agile can be a powerful motivator. It provides tangible proof that the transformation can work in the organization’s specific context.


If you’re an Agile practitioner, think about this: Instead of trying to ‘sell’ Agile, how might you address these deep-rooted fears and concerns directly? How can you build bridges of understanding and trust? Remember, transformation is as much about people as it is about processes.

Resistance to agile transformations is not inevitable. Please share your experience with us in the comments.

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Download the Scrum Anti-Patterns Guide for free.

📅 Scrum Training Classes, Workshops, and Events

Learn more about resistance to agile transformations with our Scrum training classes, workshops, and events. You can secure your seat directly by following the corresponding link in the table below:

Class and Language

🖥 💯 🇩🇪 September 26-29, 2023
GUARANTEED: Professional Scrum Product Owner Training (PSPO I; German; Live Virtual Class)
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€1.189 incl. 19% VAT

🖥 💯 🇬🇧 October 4, 2023
GUARANTEED: Professional Scrum Facilitation Skills Training (PSFS; English; Live Virtual Class)
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€749 incl. 19% VAT

🖥 💯 🇬🇧 October 10, 2023
GUARANTEED: Hands-on Agile #54: Product Backlog Management Traps — David Pereira (English; Live Virtual Meetup)
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🖥 🇩🇪 October 30-31, 2023
Professional Scrum Master (Advanced) Training (PSM II; German; Live Virtual Class)
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🖥 🇩🇪 November 1-2, 2023
Professional Scrum Master Training (PSM I; German; Live Virtual Class)
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🖥 🇩🇪 November 21-24, 2023
Professional Scrum Product Owner Training (PSPO I; German; Live Virtual Class)
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€1.189 incl. 19% VAT

🖥 💯 🇬🇧 November 28, 2023
GUARANTEED: Professional Scrum Facilitation Skills Training (PSFS; English; Live Virtual Class)
Live Virtual Class
€749 incl. 19% VAT

🖥 🇩🇪 December 11-12, 2023
Professional Scrum Master Training (PSM I; German; Live Virtual Class)
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€1.189 incl. 19% VAT

🖥 🇩🇪 December 13-14, 2023
Professional Scrum Product Owner Training (PSPO I; German; Live Virtual Class)
Live Virtual Class
€1.189 incl. 19% VAT

🖥 🇩🇪 December 18-19, 2023
Professional Scrum Master (Advanced) Training (PSM II; German; Live Virtual Class)
Live Virtual Class
€1.189 incl. 19% VAT

See all upcoming classes here.

You can book your seat for the training directly by following the corresponding links to the ticket shop. If the procurement process of your organization requires a different purchasing process, please contact Berlin Product People GmbH directly.

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