Product Owner Anti-Patterns — 33 Ways to Improve as a PO

TL; DR: Scrum Master Anti-Patterns No other role in Scrum can contribute to mediocre outcomes like the Product Owner—garbage in, garbage out—and it does not matter whether that’s due to incompetence, neglect, disinterest, or failure to collaborate. Moreover, no Product Owner is the “Mini-CEO” of the product, entitled to make lone decisions. Scrum is a […]
Exploring Proposer-Builder Separation and Its Impact on Blockchain Centralization

Proposer-Builder Separation (PBS) aims to mitigate validator centralization in blockchain, yet it may lead to builder centralization. Discover insights from Agostino Capponi’s research. (Read More)
Celestia Hosts Modular Events in Bangkok During Devcon

Celestia is set to host a series of modular-focused events in Bangkok during Devcon, featuring workshops, talks, and community activities for blockchain developers. (Read More)